Create a New React.js App
We are now ready to work on our frontend. So far we’ve built and deployed our backend API and resources. We used Serverless for it. We are now going to build a web app that connects to our backend. We are going to create a single page app using React.js . We’ll use the Create React App project to set everything up. It is officially supported by the React team and conveniently packages all the dependencies for a React.js project. Let’s move to a new directory. From the project root of your backend repo, run the following. COPY $ cd ../ Create a New React App Run the following command to create the client for our notes app. COPY $ npx create-react-app notes-app-client --use-npm This should take a second to run, and it will create your new project and your new working directory. Installation You can install this library from npm by running: npm install web-vitals Now let’s go into our working directory and run our project. COPY $ cd notes-app-cl...